Sunday, October 3, 2010

Starkey Lab Project: Hardware Platform and Programming Intruction

Four major documents at hand:

1. Programming Introduction (78 pages)
2. Hardware Reference (210 pages)
      2.1 CPX core (426 pages)
      2.2  Hearing Accelerator Core (354 pages)

The system is designed by ON semiconductor, which is built up in 1999.

Doc 1: Programming Introduction
Chapter 1:  Introduction  Chapter 2 Architecture Overview  Chapter 3 Design Information 
Chapter 4:  Sample code   Chapter 5:  Porting Guide

Doc 2: Hardware Reference
Chapter 1:  Introduction   Chapter 2: System Overview  Chapter 3: CFX core 
Chapter 4:  Hear Core   Chapter 5: Memory   Chapter 6: Fifo controller
Chapter 7:  Input/Output Controller  Chapter 8:  Input stage     Chapter 9: Output Stage
Chapter 10:  PCM & IIS interface   Chapter 11: Peripherials   Chapter 12: External Interfaces
Chapter 13: Clock Components   Chapter 14: Power Components
Addix:  registers,  sampling frequency

Doc 2.1    CFX core
Chapter 1:  Introduction    Chapter 2: CFX architecture overview  Chapter 3: Instruction type
Chapter 4:  Data Computation Units   Chapter 5: Data movement Units  Chapter 6:  Address Generator
Chapter 7:  Program Control Units   Chapter 8: Memory spaces  Chapter 9: Processing Modes
Chapter 10: CPX instructin Set  
Addix:  Instruction Set Summary    Opcode Map

Doc 2.2  Hear core
Chapter 1: Introduction  Chapter 2: Usage Model   Chapter 3: Modules 
Chapter 4: Moduel Reference  Chapter 5: Hear Configuration Tool
Addix:  optimized WOLF windows

Now start to go through doc 1, Chapter 1.
Board Name:  Ezairo 5900
CFX:  2 MAC 24bit DSP Coare
Hear core
130nm technology
CRC generator & security module & RF interface

doc 1, chapter 2 (8 pages)
CFX core: 
Task1: configure the system
Task2: coordinate the flow of signal data progressing through the system
Task3: do some signal processing applications that cannot be handled by Hear core.

CFX core features:
1. harvard structure, seperate progrm memory and two data memories with seperate buses.
2. can access to the Hear core memories.
3. Both ROM and RAM for program to store user's applications and interrupt vector.  use as instruction memory if through the instruction memory bus.  use as data for cfx core if through P memory bus.
4.  P bus can be used to access Hear core microcode memory
5.  Two sepearate data memories:  24bit X and 24bit Y.  or 48bit XY.
6.  X bus can also access Hear core memories and registers.

Hear core features:
1. 24bit signal processing engine.
2. FIR/IIR, vector based arithmetic operation, WOLA filterbank, FFT etc.
3. Block Floating Point (BFP): avoid overflow
4. Hear core supports 24 different function chains: 16 from CFX, 8 from interrupt triggered by FIFO controller

Shared Memory:
1. 48 bit width
2. can be accessed by CFX via P bus and X bus.
3. H0, H1, H2, H3,H4, H5: general memory for filter bank etc.  128x48bit
4. A & B for FIFO controller   1024x24bit
5. C & D for microcode modules 1024x24bit
6. Hear can access data 96bit a time for special algorithms.

FIFO controller:
1. for circular buffer
2. resolve access conflict of the two cores via shared memory bus
3. it tracks incoming data and output data.  trigger funciton chain of Hear core and interrupt of CFX core.

IO controller:
1.  any combination of 4 analog input channels (in input stage) and two pcm channels
2.  output to direct digital output or 2 pcm channels.

Firmware components:
1. accessible using ON semiconductor SignaKlara IDE, containing:
     a. system included files and macros
     b. system library
     c. math library
     d. eeprom library
     e. file system
     f. program ROM
     g. bootloader

Doc 1, chapter 3(8 pages)
Orela 4500     Ezairo 5900
RCore              CFX core
Wola filter      Hearing core

load balance on two cores is important to power efficiency.
partition algorithms
fixed size, try to balance noise and power-consuming
data flow:  
Orela 4500:  input stage --> input fifo --> Rcore --> ouptut fifo --> output stage
Ezairo 5900: much more complex IOC and FIFO Controller, perfect for adptive feedback canceller.

Doc 1, chapter 4 (10 pages)
sample code as template, for learn purpose, not most efficient or optimal way

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